5 Yard Design Fails

Baby it’s cold outside! Let’s focus on planning out our warmer weather gardens!

Whether you're looking to create an oasis or just spruce up your space, avoid these common mistakes:

1. Don't Have Unrealistic Expectations- One of the most common mistake homeowners make is thinking that they can achieve a picture-perfect yard overnight. rushing to get that lush look can actually do more harm than good. When you plant too closely together, you run the risk of strangling your plants and having to start from scratch.

2. Don't Use Indoor Items Outdoors- Just because you see an item in a store or online, doesn't mean it's meant to be outdoors. Be sure to do your research or ask a professional before bringing any big-ticket items outside. Some examples of indoor items that don't transition well outdoors are big-screen TVs, sofas, and wooden tables.

3. Neglecting Maintenance- sadly, many people believe that once they have their dream outdoor space, it will be able to take care of itself. However, that's not the case. Decks need to be re-stained or painted from time to time and furniture should be stored away during bad weather to increase its longevity.

4. Ignoring Planting Guidance – Pictures in magazines and on Pinterest can inspire new gardeners, but they may not work for every yard. Planting sun-loving plants in the shade or vice versa is a recipe for disaster.

5. Ignoring HOA Rules – Before spending time and money on plants or trees, read the fine print in HOA or community rules. These rules can be enforced, and no one wants to pay to remove landscaping that's non-compliant.

Everyone wants the perfect yard. When the warmer weather arrives, every yard can offer fresh air living options if these design mistakes are avoided.